Communication Design

Martina Zatta

Bachelor of Communication Design Brisbane

Click for confetti 👏

Martina is a Gold Coast based Graphic Designer with attention to detail, minimalist style and elegant aesthetic.

The combination of distinctive creative elements reinforces a harmonious balance and a memorable outcome in her work. Martina’s areas of expertise traverse the branding, brand direction and print design realm. With a background in Architecture and Fine Art, Martina has a deep understanding of the design principles.

King Living Re-Brand

The King Living brand re-fresh provides an opportunity to elevate the current business' visual identity, moving them towards a sophisticated, modern position within the market. Using similar characteristics from the original brand, audiences can recognise the identity with ease.

High Spirits Branded Experiance

High spirits is a multi-sensory branded experience which aims to mitigate the negative views society has formed upon medical marijuana. High Spirits' live events allows people to connect, learn and experience holistic health in a modern, innovative setting. The business works closely with, and is sponsored by The Realm of Caring Foundation, a non profit foundation formed to provide a better quality of life for those affected by disorders and diseases, through the use of concentrated cannabinoid extracts.