Interior Design Commercial

Sophia Dunne

Bachelor of Interior Design Commercial Ultimo

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My goal as a designer is to deliver beautiful and unique spaces which result in a quality experience within a space. I am known for my attention to detail within a design and good presentation skills, with the willingness to learn and take direction to improve my designs. I am ready and excited to step into the industry to develop my skills further as a Junior interior designer.


The Mezi store design required a focus on long-term sustainability and creating an optimal consumer brand experience. The Mezi store comes from a family's Egyptian, Moroccan and Israeli backgrounds and has been a constant inspiration for the brand's jewellery designs. The store's new design features Moroccan dessert-inspired curves on the display wall and physical structures, pillars of the Islamic faith as extra jewellery display, and natural toned materials and colour scheme. Textured plaster has coated the concrete walls for a simplistic change and uplift to the existing walls. More sustainable materials have been chosen such as renewable hardwood flooring in a natural sand colour and wooden dowelling for natural and reusable displays for future store changes.

Project/Client Website

Ocean Floor

Ocean Floor required a new hospitality venue for the hospitality group The Mulberry Group to deliver a unique point of difference to the group's venues. Ocean Floor is located on Cockatoo Island, looking at views over Sydney Harbour. Infused with rich textures of the rubble sandstone masonry feature wall across from the entrance leading to the bar area. There is a calming balance between layered, raw, textured, soft and hard materials with neutral colour throughout the space. With an open floor plan, patrons can sit, stand or walk freely around for a constantly flowing environment. The venue has a large outdoor area with herb gardens to reflect the brand’s commitment to sustainability and its ethos of seeking locally sourced ingredients for food and beverages. Ocean Floor is designed to provide a contemporary and modern space where patrons can enjoy the surroundings of Sydney in a welcoming place.

Project/Client Website